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What are gummy bear implants? How is it done?

What are gummy bear implants?

Gummy bear implants are one of the types you can choose for breast augmentation. Wonder why people call them gummy bear implants? It's a nickname for teardrop-shaped implants with a consistency similar to gummy bears.

These implants are popular because of their ability to retain their shape, making them better than other implants, such as silicone and saline.

These implants are also known as a highly cohesive gel. You may not realize it, but the manufacturing process for breast implants has evolved over the years, giving you the shape and features you see today.

People who want to add volume to their breasts are the best candidates for this surgery. However, pregnant or nursing women cannot undergo breast augmentation surgery. Lastly, you must be at least 22 years old for cosmetic silicone implants (saline implants are 18 years old for cosmetic reasons).

You need to understand several things about gummy bear breast implant surgery. For this reason, we have mentioned some basic concepts related to this procedure. Then, read the article to make the right decision for you.

How are gummy bear implants made?

A gummy bear implant is made with the help of various materials and techniques. These implants contain an outer shell made of silicone and filler materials. Also, most breast implants have a saline solution or silicone gel. However, gummy bear implants contain silicone gel and a silicone shell for padding. These implants provide you with more benefits than other silicone implants due to their unique formation.

The number one advantage of these implants is that they can retain their shape and keep the breast naturally soft. When it comes to traditional implants, their body can be affected when the shells break. However, rubbery implants retain their shape in case the covers are damaged. This is because the gels present in these implants are thick. Another popular implant is the saline one. Saline breast implants are filled with a saline solution (think saltwater) and will leak if they rupture.

Are gummy bear breast implants safe?

After years of research, experts have produced safe breast implants. In addition, your cosmetic surgeon will ask you to visit for regular screening exams to make sure your implants are in good condition, in the right place, and haven't ruptured. Years ago, breast implants had a significant risk of rupture and other related complications. When these implants rupture, the gel or solution leaks out of the shell and surrounding tissues.

However, due to the durability of gummy bear breast implants, they are less likely to leak and rupture compared to saline and silicone gel-based implants. But the risk is that if gummy bear implants leak, it is difficult to notice the leaks compared to saline breast implants. That's why screening can help you catch problems early. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), patients need MRIs every three years when silicone implants are placed and every two years after that.

Gummy Bear Implants: Advantages and Disadvantages

Like other types of breast implants, the primary purpose of gummy bear breast implants is to enhance the size and shape of your breasts. Breast implant surgery does not address sagging. People with concerns about this should contact their cosmetic surgeon. You may be advised to opt for breast lift surgery and breast augmentation.

round vs. Teardrop implants

Traditional silicone and saline implants usually give you a round shape. That is why there will be no problem if your breast implants move out of position in the future, as most breast implants do.

Also, gummy bear implants are teardrop-shaped. Also, they are denser and thicker compared to the other two renowned types of implants. This option is best for you if you don't want significant fullness in your chest, especially at the top. It also gives a very natural droop to the lower half of your breast. However, they may become more visible when the implants change position. This is because they are not the same shape on all sides.

The shell of these gummy bear implants

It is usually textured to prevent displacement or rotation of these teardrop-shaped implants. This allows the tissues surrounding the implants to grow into them. Additionally, these textured and shaped implants have a significantly lower rate of health complications, known as capsular contracture. In this condition, the tissues surrounding the breast implants become abnormally thick or tight, causing pain and an unattractive, asymmetrical appearance. Capsular contracture falls into the most common surgical complications related to breast implants. It is also one of the usual reasons for reintervention.

Cost of gummy bear implants

It would help if you understood that no insurance company would cover breast augmentation surgery. This is why your insurance will not work for your breast implant procedure. So, you have to pay out of pocket.

Also, gummy bear implant surgery is much more expensive than traditional implants. You may have to pay more than $6,000 out of pocket. The cost largely depends on the surgeon, technique, and surgical center you choose.

You should also keep in mind that you may have to pay some additional costs related to gummy bear breast implants and the expenses of the surgery. This may include anesthesia and hospital fees. Some healthcare providers may also charge for bras that patients wear during recovery. The best way to avoid any problems is to check ahead of time for any costs related to your surgery. Also, consider the cost of things you'll need during your recovery period, as it can take several weeks to recover fully.

Bottom line

Now you can get an idea of ​​gummy bear implants and how they differ from other breast implants. Gummy bear breast implants have a more durable composition, which gives them the ability to last longer than different types of implants. This is the main reason why people choose these breast implants over others. It also helps you achieve the desired cosmetic appearance of your breasts. You will get a more defined and beautiful shape, which is why the surgery.

However, you have to pay a reasonable amount for this procedure. This is because they are expensive compared to saline and silicone implants. Lastly, these implants are not entirely risk-free. That's why it's vital to find a cosmetic surgeon who can give you the results you want while keeping you safe. When it comes to the best doctor, look for the ones with experience, have great reviews online, and ask your friends. In this way, you will not have to worry about your implants, and you will enjoy the newer and more beautiful appearance.

Related Topics :

1- Gummy Bear implants Pros and Cons, Cost, Precautions (Detailed Explanation)

This text 11 NISAN 2022 It was written on.

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